Bouncing Back: Unleashing the Power of Resilience

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What is resilience?

Resilience, the ability to adjust to challenging situations and still come out stronger.

Resilient individuals have learned to effectively manage their emotions and responses to unwanted situations.

While some individuals find it easier to adapt to change, loss, failure, trauma, or stress, others may struggle more.

Human-being are naturally resilient as part of our surviving ability,
We just need a little reminder to show it out.

Characteristics of resilient individuals

Similar to high-performance entrepreneurs, people who practice resilience exhibit specific habits and share common traits that you can consider right now to develop this capacity.


Resilient individuals possess a deep understanding of themselves.

They accept their flaws and strengths as a natural part of who they are because they are fully aware of them. 

They can set and work toward attainable goals and objectives

Harnessing creativity:

Resilient people are creative, not just in terms of artistic expression like painting or creating viral videos, but also in their ability to employ creativity to navigate complex situations. They can see solutions where others see only obstacles.


Being resilient also involves having confidence in oneself. When you know yourself well and understand your limitations, you can trust yourself more when facing stressful situations. This self-assurance stems from knowing your capabilities, providing you with greater security in dealing with the challenges life presents.

Opportunity-oriented mindset:

Resilience requires the ability to see opportunities in all situations and adversities encountered. For example, during difficult moments, resilient individuals reflect on what they can learn from the experience. They recognize that everything is temporary and view challenges as opportunities for growth, change, and personal development.


Resilient individuals are often mindful of the present moment and possess an extraordinary capacity to accept whatever life throws at them. They maintain a realistic perspective, acknowledging both the positive and negative aspects of a given situation.

Realistic optimism:

Resilient individuals are realists rather than fatalists. They acknowledge the potential for both positive and negative outcomes in specific circumstances. Unlike fatalistic individuals who focus solely on the negative, resilient people maintain a sense of optimism. They understand that tomorrow is a new day, free from excessive negativity and pessimism.

Surrounding oneself with positivity:

Resilient individuals intentionally surround themselves with positive people, drawing inspiration and support from their positivity. They go with the flow, not seeking to control their emotions or the situations they encounter. They adapt easily to changes, face adversity with humor and positive energy, and are not hesitant to seek help from others when needed.

Lisa Lisson
The most important thing you control is the thoughts you think.

How to be more resilient?

There are certain habits that resilient individuals possess, which you can begin practicing right away.

These habits include:

– Trusting in your abilities

– Nurturing your creativity

– Being aware of your potential and limitations

– Viewing difficulties as opportunities for personal growth

– Maintaining optimism while also maintaining an objective perspective on life

– Surrounding yourself with positive-minded individuals

– Recognizing that not all situations are within your control

– Adapting to changes effectively

– Practicing mindfulness techniques

– Exhibiting great perseverance and a determined spirit

– Approaching difficulties with humor and positive energy

– Seeking assistance from others when needed

Final Thoughts:

Stay positive and trust yourself

There will be times when maintaining a positive outlook seems challenging.

In those moments, recall the phrase “tomorrow will be another day,” as mentioned earlier. Today might be a struggle, but tomorrow holds the potential for a brighter experience.

Embrace humor and try to find reasons to smile.

Trust in yourself, your abilities, and your inner strength.

Book Recommendation:

“Resilience: Navigating Life, Loss, and the Road to Success”

This book is an autobiography by Lisa Lisson that aims to inspire readers by sharing her personal journey of experiencing extreme highs and lows.

Lisson, a high-powered executive at FedEx Canada, faces a life-altering event when her husband has a severe medical emergency.

Despite all the odds, she continues to fulfill her professional responsibilities and care for her four children.

The book highlights the importance of persevering through hardships and embracing life’s challenges without giving up. It emphasizes the message of resilience, encouraging readers to keep moving forward and fully engage in life.

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